Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 15th and 16th: Sitting, Waiting, Flying, and Anchorage!

I was able to catch the second direct flight from Portland to Anchorage and landed in Anchorage at about 8:45pm on the 15th. The weather was good, but the hospitality was amazing. A big “Thanks!” goes out to Gerry and Aunt Kathy for letting me crash at their house in Anchorage and for the excellent food, drink, and company they provided!
The 16th I walked downtown Anchorage with Kathy, John, and Melissa, where we sampled some of the local delicacies (reindeer hotdogs!) and checked out luxurious musk ox fur knitted goods (amazing stuff: super warm and light, unfortunately also very expensive). A small museum next in the old Anchorage Federal Court House is where the cool Alaska map image came from.
After Anchorage, I hung out with my cousin Jason, his wife Brenna, two sons Sean and Logan, and 5-day-old daughter Lola. Catching up with Jason and Brenna was great. So many years have passed since me and Jason last saw each other and so much has happened, but the reunion was awesome!

The boys Sean and Logan are overflowing with personality and exuberance! We all ate dinner that night at the Moose Tooth Brewpub and Pizza, where I proceeded to eat myself stupid. Delicious pizza and microbrew was the order of the night!

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