Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today after dinner I ventured up Highway 3 on foot in search of some rock that is suitable for climbing. I had heard from a couple of people that Dragonfly Creek, which is north of my location by 3 or 4 miles, has suitable climbing rock.

Upon walking up there I found a dry creek bed, but after walking downstream a bit I a spring popped up that fed the creek. And another 20 meters further the water all flowed down a 15 or 16m waterfall. The rock to the left of the waterfall was pretty solid, had two good sets of anchors set in it, and offered around 16m of varied climbing.

With any luck, tomorrow I can find a climber or two to head out to there and do some top-roping. I got to break in this new rope!

On the way back the clouds were getting really ominous. The Alaska Range really does some cool stuff to the weather though. We had gnarly looking black clouds coming at us the last two or three days, but the steep, jagged peaks of the Alaska Range break up the clouds to the point that they have caused nothing but light traces of rain occasionally. We have received some of the wind that Anchorage has been getting pounded with, but none of the rain luckily.

Hopefully tomorrow I will post some good pics climbing out there and maybe even some sunset pictures from Mount Healy...

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have minded that waterfall today. It was 103F. ONE-OH-THREE.
